

Lazy Jack Bag? Check!

So a while back I mentioned that a new Lazy Jack bag was in the works.  While it's taken me ages to do the update, it only took a week to do the project!  (I did it in the afternoons, after work, so not even close to a full week's worth of hours) That is so much faster than I thought this dreaded project would go.  It looked so intricate hanging on the boat - and it was!
Original bag - even has a patch where the Moorings logo was, eons ago.


One Action a Day, One Day at a Time

We've been cranking along around here, finishing projects left and right - while also adding new ones as we run across them.  Thankfully, nothing large has come to light - just small projects, usually improving our storage/organization, etc.

But, I admit it, I occasionally get lazy or bored.  


Boat Food: Quick Breads!

I admit it.  I eat the same foods over and over.  And over.  Usually to the point I can't bear to look at that food again for a long time.

For a while now, that has been Avocado Toast.  It's super easy, delicious, and thanks to the avocado, very filling.  I just toast some really good bread (on the boat, that means put it in a skillet on the stove top...) and top it with avocado slices/smear and some sun dried, or really good, fresh tomatoes.  And maybe some seasoning salt.  I have been eating it off and on for years, but here on the boat, I'm finding that I eat it almost all week long.

Yesterday I ran out of bread.  Oh.  Em.  Gee.