We've had a few boats stop in and drop anchor just across the creek from Luna Sea over the past month. It's a quiet (free!) little spot that is close to ocean access for people to hang out in as they head south. This past weekend we had the pleasure of meeting
John and
Cassie from Topanga. (you can check out each of their blogs via the link attached to their names.) These guys are a little younger than us - which we're learning is a bit of an oddity in the sailing community. People tend to wait until retirement to leave their jobs and go see the world. But over the past couple of years I've noticed more and more blogs written by younger couples. It's nice to know we won't be the only crazy people to leave our perfectly safe jobs to go traipsing around the world, Christopher Columbus style.
Anyway - John and Cassie and their adorable dog Dexter dropped anchor Saturday night and headed over to Luna Sea for some dinner and drinks. It was great to meet them and talk about their trip. They're only a few months in, so it's still all new to them and gives us a fantastic glimpse into where we hope to be before too terribly long.
Sunday we all slept in before a brunch of sausage and gravy (I NEVER make this, but it was pretty tasty) and then Mark and I headed over to check out Topanga. We keep running into sailors that have a TRX but don't use it - so as usual I offered to teach them a few things. I love this thing and am always happy to share how great of a workout it is. Didn't hurt that I offered lessons after they'd had a few drinks Saturday night... People will agree to anything once the southern vodka starts pouring. (*side note: we didn't realize anyone made southern vodka, but apparently it's
a thing here in GA...)
Here are some pictures - pretty much stolen from
Cassie's recent post on their visit to Savannah:
John and Mark finding a good height to hang the TRX on Topanga |
Cassie working on her triceps so she can keep pulling up that manual anchor. |
John giving it a whirl |
Mark and I hanging out on Topanga |
It was really great to meet Cassie, John and Dexter - and even though my dogs are rude and tried to eat Dexter once or twice, it was fun to share stories. And their boat is gorgeous - I'm still coveting those couches. As John continues to stretch their cruising time line, I have high hopes that we'll meet up again in a much warmer climate! (they brought a horribly cold Canadian front with them - thanks, guys.)
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